Returns and Refunds policy
Before you consider returning Desh Maheshwari product, please take a moment to understand how our products are made. Our products are handcrafted by traditional craft persons in our own workshop.The natural stones may always vary in colours, sizes, shapes, formations and appearances. They might also contain inclusions, holes or lines. These are naturally occurring and should not be considered as damages.None of our stone remain artificially made or tampered.We believe in keeping them in their most natural state and appreciate their uniqueness. All our products go through quality control before shipping. Returns will only be accepted if your order is damaged in transit or you have received the incorrect product. In case your order is damaged in transit or you have received the wrong product you may return them in exactly the way in which they were received (unworn / unused and with original packaging.
4 Steps To Making A Return If You Have Received The Wrong Item / Product Has Been Damaged In Transit:
- Please inform us within 3 days of receipt of order. You must email to notify us of the same.
- Before we arrange for your damaged / incorrect product to be returned to us, you will be required to send us a photograph of the product along with the email. It is then up to the discretion of our team to decide whether the product is approved for return.
- Once we have received your e-mail and our Quality Control team has authorized the return for the damaged/incorrect product, we will take the matter ahead by facilitating the collection of the same. This might (under very rare circumstances) also include a request to the customer to courier the damaged / incorrect product to us.
- Once we receive the damaged / incorrect product, we shall dispatch the fresh / correct product. This will be subject to availability. If the correct product is not in stock with us to replace the incorrect one, we will issue a refund for the same.
- Refund will ONLY be initiated if we at Desh Maheshwari are unable to replace the exact product that was damaged in transit / incorrectly sent or if the product has been lost in transit and this has been verified by our logistics partner.
No Refunds Will Be Given In The Following Cases:
- Incorrect or outdated delivery address.
- Incorrect address format including any form of a PO Box address.
- After 3 failed delivery attempts by our respective courier agent.
- Package refused by recipient.
- Sizing issues. Thus, please review our size guides carefully before making your purchase.
- Products returned in a used or damaged condition.
- Minor colour and design variation. All products are handmade and use natural stones so there might be subtle variations in a very rare instance. This is only due to the natural nature of the raw materials that we work with. We try our best to accurately photograph each product.
All products sold on this website are guaranteed to be authentic Desh Maheshwari products. However, we are unable to comment on the authenticity of items not purchased from but branded as an Desh Maheshwari product.