Erlang programming language Wikipedia

Why is it called Erlang

It abstracts away operating system processes, bringing the notion to the language level. All full-stack developer the computations in Erlang are done within those abstract processes. Of course, Erlang wasn’t the first language to take this route. However, its design exploits such abstraction to its fullest.

The most popular open source Erlang applications include the following:

Today, it’s primarily used in distributed systems due to its real-time capabilities, fault tolerance, and scalability. Erlang is a distributed, fault-tolerant functional programming language well-suited for building massively scalable soft real-time systems. Originally developed by Ericsson in 1986 for telecom applications, Erlang has since spread to companies like WhatsApp, Klarna, and Discord who rely on its capabilities for high availability and uptime. It has a small but powerful set of primitives to create processes and communicate among them. They are neither operating system processes nor threads, but lightweight processes that are scheduled by BEAM. Like operating system processes (but unlike operating system threads), they share no state with each other.


Why is it called Erlang

Erlang draws its strength from being a functional language with no shared memory. Hence IMO, Erlang won’t be suitable for applications that require in place Erlang Developer job memory manipulations. We built a betting exchange (aka prediction market) using Erlang. We chose Erlang over some of the more traditional financial languages (C++, Java etc) because of the built-in concurrency. This separation of error detection and error handling is a key part of Erlang. It reduces complexity in fault-tolerant systems by keeping the normal and error-handling code separate.